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Grades 6-8, 9-12
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In this webinar, teachers will be able to:
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Learn It Share It is a personal finance assignment designed as a semester-long project that guides students to learn a concept in class, incorporate it into their lives and teach it to others. This project can be modified and used at different levels (high school, community college and college). This assignment can be used in traditional settings, flipped classrooms, and online classes. The end goal is to create a video where students will teach their community what they have learned in their personal finance course. For that students will be guided through different personal and group projects (learning how to work in teams is a valuable, real-world lesson). Students will need to agree on the rules on how to work together, discover what personal finance issue matters most to them as well as to their peers. They will have to plan for their project in advance and get the materials they need. The groups will create a poster and present it to others at their institution and by doing this they will receive feedback. Finally students will incorporate that feedback and developed a short video. Students will show their video to others at their school and present it in class. (see infographic) Students will create videos, because it is proven that those are more engaging that static content. The project is a great opportunity for students to show creative and knowledgeable side. In this presentation we will explore the rationale for making students create videos and we will share the exercises we have used in the classroom to create projects that are effective, fun and engaging. We will provide alternate applications of the project, suggest modifications for other courses, and provide a variety of methods instructors could use to tailor the assignment according to the course needs (number of students, cost, technology, etc.) A sample of students’ artifacts can be found here:
Content Partner
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Content Partner
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 6-8, 9-12